Invest in our Fellows By Donating Your Time
Speaker Sessions
(1-2 Hours)
Each week the WesGold Fellows complete a written assignment and a presentation related to themes covered during weekly Workshop Sessions. Their papers are edited and revised, while the presentations are critiqued as a group. Provide welcomed feedback to our Fellows and help develop their research and communication skills.
Behind the Business
(2-4 Hours)
Speaker sessions are curriculum based and reinforced through the lessons and stories of our industry speakers. We invite you to participate in a Workshop Session with our Fellows to share your knowledge and your story.
Fellows Presentations
(2-4 Hours)
Speaker sessions are curriculum based and reinforced through the lessons and stories of our industry speakers. We invite you to participate in a Workshop Session with our Fellows to share your knowledge and your story.
Community Engagement Events
The mission of these events is to instill in our Fellows a sense of personal responsibility for their community and the people in it. Our Fellows have a “Lift as You Climb” mentality, and these opportunities allow our Fellows to share their spirit of social responsibility with your team.
Get in Touch!
Support at every level enables WesGold Fellows to continue its mission of building the next generation of leaders. Get in touch with us to find out more about how you can volunteer.